Labels:bulletin board | chat room | earth | reckoner | sky | stairs | window OCR: This isa Beta test program. Version 0.9h The Sound vou to transfer sounc resources between files You may also create special "suitcase files to store your sounds in Sounds that are transfered into into Hypercard ate Acks mayhe plaved m Hypercardby tvpinc Play sound name into the text entry window where sound name is the sound vou want to play (Access the text entry windowhvholding down the command kev andpressinc The Sound Manacer allows vou to transfer sounds to ary file vou want If the fie hasno resource fork you are allowed to add one to the 1 file Hypercard Istacks donot thave a resource fork The will let one if you want to adde sound to that stack. You may also trensfer sounds into the systemfile your favorite application or what-have-you. BECAREFUL THISCANBE DANGEROUS MOST APPLICATIO ...